Woman being sued $50,000 for a tweet…
Wednesday, July 29th, 2009Ok, so I was sent this article: http://www.chicagonow.com/blogs/chicago-bar-tender/2009/07/exhibit-a-will-one-chicago-womans-tweet-cost-her-50000.html (via twitter no less). Basically, Horizon Group Management is suing a Chicago resident for tweeting the following message:
“You should just come anyway. Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you? Horizon realty thinks it’s okay.”
on the grounds that it damaged the company’s business reputation. When I read this article I immediately felt upset. I am not exactly sure why I felt this way, but I am sure many other people can explain it better than I can. In a Spartacus moment, acting in a perhaps rash manner, I tweeted this message:”
“Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment was bad for you? Horizon realty thinks it’s okay.“
Now I feel like I will be sued too! yay! But seriously, this is a CALL TO ACTION. This woman needs your help! (I don’t know her relations and previous history with Horizon, but suing her $50,000 for that tweet is just shameful) If everyone who reads this retweets the message, we can save her (and probably me too).